Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Retro Resolution

I hadn’t come up with a New Year’s Resolution as I was still so chuffed at keeping the one I made last year—about blogging every week. So I didn’t even try. I would just keep up what I had started.
Last night I was having trouble falling asleep because of pain. I had forgotten to take my pain meds earlier in the evening and was really hurting by the time I went to bed. So I was laying there, waiting for the stuff to kick in. I started thinking about maybe giving up something for Lent this year. I hadn’t been led to do that in a couple years or so. I was running things around in my mind and came up with something entirely new: instead of giving something up, how about taking something on?
The result was this: a thankfulness blog apart from my Friday one. And it wouldn’t just be for Lent, it would be for this entire year. It would be written on Sunday and posted on Monday and would cover the previous week. This would force me to really go through the days and focus on the positive of what had transpired.
Since January 1st fell on a Sunday, the previous week would be Christmas. That’s too easy. So I decided to write this as my first entry. Since I didn’t come up with the idea until last night, my first posting is late…typical for me, huh?
So start looking for me on Mondays as well as Fridays. Better yet, subscribe to my blog, and then you’ll get it in your email inbox and won’t have to wait for notices on Facebook. And let me know what you think! I welcome comments. You DON’T have to have a blog or website or anything like that to leave comments here. You can post anonymously. But if you can leave your name within the comment just to let me know who you are, that would be dandy! It would also let me know that I’m not sending all this into a vacuum…that would suck! (haha, vacuum humor! Never gets old!)
So just as a quickie bit of thankfulness:

12/25/11 to 12/31/11
Christmas and all that entails—the birth of our Lord and Savior. Born to die. Born to save.
Fellowship with family and friends.
The old year is over. We’ve been granted a new start. Amen, and thank you, Lord!

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