Thursday, December 28, 2023

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot


For some folks, the end of a year can be incredibly difficult. Yes, you got through the year, but at what cost? When happened in that year? Who/what did you lose? What is to come?

For others, it’s a time of great expectations. Yay! We got through the year! Can’t wait to see what comes next!

For either one, there is a certain melancholy. As my dad always said, “Time staggers on.”


I love the song Auld Lang Syne. For me, it captures the in-between of an old year and a new year. Robert Burns wrote the lyrics in Scots, and “auld lang syne” translates to “times gone by” or “for old time’s sake.”


It’s basically about two long-time friends who get together after many years and reminisce about all they’d done and how time had sometimes separated them. In my mind, I’ve always seen two elderly gentlemen getting together for a “last drink” before time separates them in a final way.


So I raise a glass to all my family and friends. I love you all. I am thankful for your presence in my life. Happy New Year and may God bless you and yours!


Let’s cap it off with Home Free…


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