Thursday, July 30, 2020

Another Mindless Meme – part the fifth

Do you wear glasses?
Yes. Since 1st grade. And the only style for little girls back then was the cat’s eye type in sparkly pink or sparkly blue. I’d get my eyes checked every year before school started in the fall and I’d always need new glasses. I’d switch back and forth between the pink and blue frames. Starting in my late teens I wore contacts for several years until I started needing bifocals.

Do you have a nick name?
Dot or Dottie. Although I was never called anything other than Dorothy in school. I always wished my name had been Catherine so I could have the nickname Cat or Kitty. Although keeping in with how crappy kids can be at school, I’d probably have had “Here, Kitty kitty kitty” thrown at me all the time.

Cats or dogs?
You know the answer to that one!! Cats, of course!! (dogs are OK, though). But cats are best. Always.

Can you change a tire?
I know how it’s done, but doubt that I could physically do it. Thankfully I’ve never had the need to.

Favorite flower?
All of them. Partial to narcissus, which is my birthday flower. My gardening skills are pretty much zero though. Having a landscaper set things up so that all I’d have to do is water would be cool.

Can you drive a stick?
In theory. I was so thankful that when the time came for me to take Driver’s Ed in school, they only used automatic transmissions. Trying to keep track of 3 pedals and a gear shifter would have been too much for me.

Ever gone skydiving?
No one in their right mind does this!! And I like to think I’m in my right mind. Most of the time, anyway. There is no valid reason to jump out of a plane unless it’s to save your life.

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