Thursday, October 4, 2018

Random/Ramblings – Peeps Edition #4

This week’s blog was prompted by the ever sparkly and ethereal Tracy Houk-Ishitoya.

There will NEVER be a movie about my life, so I chose the second option, which was a story about Space Ninjas… *snort*

It was very dark out there in space. A few twinkly stars and that’s about it. Floating along under minimum power, the headquarters of SpaceNinjas4Ever glowed like an evil green olive. Without pimento. The vast ship used to have a pimento, two of them, actually. They were the dots over the “i” and “j” in the word “ninja”. At some point, the red bulbs in the pimentos burned out and nobody felt like going out there and replacing them.

Inside the ship, a few disgruntled ninjas were wandering around looking for something to eat. Things had not gone well in the ninja business, and most of the ninjas had quit to get a better job. The ones that were left hadn’t worked in months. They’d even stopped wearing their cool ninja hoods that left just their eyes showing. Some hadn’t even washed their ninja suits, and were reduced to wearing bathrobes or cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirts. At least half of them were drunk most of the time.

With no warning, a meteor hit the underside of the ninja ship, setting off all the alarms. Almost without thinking, each ninja that was left began gathering up everything they could possibly steal and scrambled for the life pods. Equipment, weaponry, pencils, you name it. If it wasn’t nailed down, they tried to take it with them. As the life pods scattered in all directions, the massive ninja ship slowly fell apart.

The surviving ninjas eventually met together for one last time on a deserted space station. They decided not to continue as ninjas, but to collaborate on a lurid kiss-and-tell memoir, go on tour to promote it, make a butt load of money and retire on a nameless planet that had no taxes.

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