Thursday, September 27, 2018

Random/Ramblings – Peeps Edition #3

This week’s blog was prompted by the ever stalwart and trustworthy Bruce Wehr.

Growing up, my brother and I always ate breakfast before school. It was almost always made by Grandma, because both our parents worked, and it was almost always some kind of cooked cereal. Malt-O-Meal, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal. Once in a great while there would be bits of cooked bacon in the cereal. I LOVED that! Most of the time the added ingredient would be raisins, which I enjoyed, but not as much as bacon.

Once I got into high school, about all I would have before leaving the house was coffee. Didn’t feel like fixing anything myself, and this was way before instant hot cereal in the little packets. Maybe I’d have toast with the coffee.

Nowadays, my usual breakfast is Winco brand SlimFast powder and 4 heaping teaspoons of instant orange café powder blended with a cup of milk and half a cup of water. Then I zap it in the microwave and pour it into my Bubba Mug. And I really, really enjoy it. When Lia is visiting I usually have regular brewed coffee and whatever I fix for Lia’s breakfast.

If I had a cook to fix my breakfast every morning I would have something different every day. Pancakes, omelets, French Toast, biscuits and gravy and yes, cooked cereal. But alas, I’m alone every morning…so SlimFast coffee it is…

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