Friday, August 31, 2018


She’s on a mission!!

The subject of downsizing for a change in the near-ish future has been coming more and more to the forefront of our lives. Mine, in particular, simply because I have the MOST STUFF to downsize. And most of it takes the form of books and craft stuff. And possibly a piano, which I am totally loathe to give up without a rather big fight.

The last couple of visits with Lia have shown that I had a lot of kid books and games that were no longer needed. I gave most of those to a friend with 3 granddaughters. The rest are going to SA. After the visit in July, I really went to town among the kid books, sorting into keep/donate piles. Some books from my childhood I am keeping. Someone else can get rid of them when I’m gone. Then I was inspired to go through MY books. There are 2 bookcases in the guest room. The book shelves in the craft room are filled with books on 1 ½ walls. The rest is craft stuff. There is a large book case in the hall. A smaller one in the front room. Then there is the family room…OMG…SO MANY BOOKS! I tried to be as hard-hearted as possible, going through these. I filled the front room floor with books to donate and whenever Marv brought a box or two home, I’d fill them and he would take them to SA in Chico on his lunch hour. When I looked at the amount of books left, there were still too many to reasonably fit into a smaller living space. So I went through the books again. You might have heard a small scream wafting in the air when I did that. That was my soul. (I REALLY love my books!) I have done this 2 more times. You might have noticed the scream getting louder… I fear that I may have to do this a couple more times before I get down to the core of books that I absolutely will not give up.

In between times of going through the books, I went through closets. I found that giving up clothes was MUCH easier than going through books. I can be very hard-nosed with clothes. I even went through my SHOES…that is what defines a woman…her shoes!! No problem. Purses were a little harder. I LOVE purses. At this stage in my life, I carry too much crap with me to warrant anything than a largish purse, so the little ones had to go…*sob* EXCEPT FOR THE CAT ONES. THEY STAY!!

Then came the kitchen drawers and shelves. That wasn’t too difficult. Who knew I had 7 serrated pumpkin carving knives? When was the last time I carved a pumpkin?? Last time we carved pumpkins, I used one of the knives and Marv used his power drill…
I’m still debating about the electric rice cooker. I was given a really nice Tupperware microwave rice cook that I like a lot. And I’m really considering giving up my electric mixer. I can’t remember the last time I made anything requiring a mixer.

Then came my music. Obviously, if I don’t have a piano there is little need for music, but I’m gonna hold on to hope. I still was able to go through it all and get rid of a fair amount. I don’t play the piano a lot anymore, but every once in a while I will sit down and play for a couple of hours.

Some of you may be asking “WHAT ABOUT THE CAT STUFF???” Good question. I’ve already mentioned the purses. The cat books were dealt with in a sane manner. The figurines and “things” are a bit harder. Gifts are definitely staying. I’m trying to just keep the ones that are near and dear to my heart. Which is hard when it comes to cat stuff…it’s ALL dear to my heart! I was rather proud of myself when I gave up a cat ice cube tray and a cat loaf pan. It was harder to pry the cat jello mold out of my hands, but into the box it went.

Sarah is taking some of the kitchen stuff, and at the last visit she went through the house naming the furniture she wants. All in all, it’s a good start. I had already gone through some of my stamp sets for the church rummage sale last year. We have another one coming up and I will probably be donating more.

This all may be getting ready for something a couple years down the road, but considering the amount of stuff we’ve accumulated over the last 42 years (40 of those years in this same house) you can’t start too early…(when you hear that final soul shriek, you’ll know I’ve finished my job)

So here is the book tally donated SO FAR…
Hardbacks – 317
Paperbacks – 356
“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage, with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post which any human power can give.”

Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Donald, Paris, 7 Feb. 1788

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