Thursday, August 22, 2013

Squeez Cheez Saved My Life

OK. It didn’t really save my life, but it sure helped in a tough time. And it was called Squeez A Snak, made by Kraft, back in the late 60s and early 70s.  I loved it. It came in several flavors, the cheddar/bacon one being my favorite.

In the early 70’s, I had my wisdom teeth removed. During summer vacation, of course, so I wouldn’t miss any school. It wasn’t like it is today…go to the oral surgeon, you’re knocked out, wake up with all 4 teeth out, recover with some fine meds. Mine were done one visit at a time. By our family dentist. Local anesthetic. I could hear it all and smell the blood. It took at least 2 hours each time. I’d go home and when I had healed enough, I’d go back for another round. Nightmare.

I don’t remember any pudding or ice cream being available. Soup, maybe. No coddling here. I was so sore and so swollen and bruised that nothing really appealed to me anyway. About the only thing I could try after a few days was the squeeze cheese on toast. I’d butter the toast and spread the cheese on it and let it sit there and get soft and mushy. Then I could sort of gently suck on it and get it down.

I guess my parents felt sort of sorry for me, because when it was my brother’s turn to have his wisdom teeth out a few years later, he got to go to an oral surgeon. When it was time for my kids to go through this, of course it was through an oral surgeon. And I made sure there was jello, ice cream, pudding, whatever they wanted. Squeez A Snak was no longer available, but I doubt that the kids would’ve wanted any. Snobs. J

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