Thursday, July 14, 2022

Pet It, But Don’t Feed It


AKA – Major and minor peeves.

A “pet” peeve is something that annoys you and is nurtured like a pet. You seldom miss an opportunity to complain about it. Minor peeves aren’t as big, but still very annoying…


Look it up!!!

When I read something on the internet that is interesting, something I’m not familiar with, or uses a word I’m not familiar with, I look it up. Especially if there is a link included. I always do this. If I can’t find the answer or still don’t understand, and it was a post on Facebook, only then will I ask for an explanation. It really bugs me when I post something and instead of looking it up, I will get comments like:

What does that word mean? (look it up).

What is a _____? (look it up)

Why ____? (look it up)

Obviously, if you’re on Facebook, you have access to the Internet.


Speak English!

The only language I am really proficient at is English. I took Spanish and French in school but didn’t really do that well. I know some German words. And that’s it. I hate reading a book when the author has one of the characters speak spontaneously in another language. Usually French. With no translation. The main 2 culprits are Agatha Christie and Ngaio Marsh. I guess everywhere except the US people naturally learn more than one language, and the authors assume the reader can at least speak French. At least now with an iphone I can look up the words very quickly. But it still annoys me. There was one book, I think by Dorothy L. Sayers, where the amusing main character jauntily wrote a letter IN FRENCH and there was NO translation. I was NOT going to look up the words for an ENTIRE LETTER! And the people in the book commented on it with apparent amusement. Merde! (look it up)


Interruptive commercials!

I love youtube. Music, crafting, tutorials, interviews. I get tired of all the commercials at the beginning, but that’s really no big deal. Things have changed a bit, though. Some of the longer videos now cut into the main posting and show commercials that you can’t fast forward through. Then it will go back to what you were watching. Hate it!


Locked up merchandise, closed fitting rooms and register 8 at Walmart

Big peeve!! Gigantic!! At least here in Oroville. I can understand some things needing to be locked up. Make-up and that sort of thing. But contact lens solution? Denture toothpaste? Blue jeans?? Marv used to get jeans at Walmart all the time. But they’re all locked up now. So are men’s socks and underwear. And no fitting rooms! Trying to find someone to unlock something is a major chore as well. You can grab a passing clerk, but chances are they don’t have a key and have to find someone who does and it takes forever to find that person. And then we come to register 8…you can buy beer or wine that’s not locked up, but if you want Kahlua or rum, you have to get a person with a key. Then you have to go to register 8 to buy it. And of course register 8 is the ONE LANE that has all the other stuff that you have to buy there, so the line is LONG. At least now you can go through a normal checkout lane (no booze, though) and they will get your stuff from register 8 for you. We got one of those special sealers to store food in for the freezer and of course it was all locked up. They let us buy the sealer, but the bags had to go in one of those clear plastic boxes. Problem is, they don’t have a box big enough, so it goes to register 8. SMHATSOIA!!!!!

(shaking my head at the stupidity of it all)


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