Thursday, May 12, 2022

Jeepers Creepers…


…where’d ya get those peepers?


Yup, I got new peepers, sort of. My vision had been diminishing for some time and I thought all I needed was a new pair of glasses. Turns out I had severe cataracts and the beginnings of glaucoma. So surgery was discussed. I’ve also always had a very steep prescription and astigmatism. I was told that I could get all three conditions dealt with at the same time for each eye. They would remove the old fuzzy lens, put in a new one that was made with the prescription for my eyes, adjust things for the glaucoma and address the astigmatism. Wow! I would still need prescription glasses for close work and reading, but it would be a minimal prescription. I knew the removal of the lens was routine, but I never knew they could put in a new lens with a prescription on it. So that’s what I had done.


This was the procedure for each eye, 1 week apart:

I was given a Valium and had an IV put in my hand for meds that would be administered at the beginning of the actual surgery. The nurse called them “I don’t care” meds. I had to be awake for the entire thing so they could not put me out. I guess when you’re unconscious your eyeball has a tendency to roll back. Makes things kinda hard to get to. I was taken into the first room where the laser would cut up the old lens. Freaky. Clips were inserted to hold my eyelids open. The laser machine was placed AGAINST MY EYEBALL to do its work. The pressure was very uncomfortable but that was it. It was over in no time and I was taken into the operating room. That’s when the nurse said he was starting the “I don’t care” meds. I was aware of the doctor talking to me but not really “there” if you get my meaning. And again, this took very little time to accomplish the three procedures.


I had to wear a hard plastic eye patch taped over my eye the rest of that day and for 5 nights when I slept to make darn sure my eye wasn’t bumped or scratched. But I could see pretty well out of the “new” eye. Which was weird since my other eye still needed glasses. I was glad that I had to deal with that for only a week before getting that one done.


So for the first time in over 60 years I can wake up in the morning and see clearly. I still have a tendency to reach for my glasses at various times just out of habit. I won’t have my eyes checked for prescription readers for another month or so until everything has healed completely. Meanwhile, I’m using Walmart magnifying specs to get by with.


Thank you, Lord, for modern medicine!!


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