Thursday, April 7, 2022

Muffin Man! Part 2


More musings from the Muffin…


Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or have the agility of a cat?

A ginormous fraction of our ocean is unknown to us. We don’t have the capability to fathom what creatures and undiscovered phenomenon are lurking in the depths of the sea. As humans, we are taught to fear what we don’t understand. I would rather have the agility of a cat than have a gift that I wouldn’t have the courage to use.


If you had to work but didn't need the money, what would you choose to do?

I would go feral and live in the woods. I would be a vlogger and my only job would be to wear a camera around my neck and eat dirt. Yolo. Self care.


If you could be any animal in the world, which would you pick?

It would be a parrot. As a human, it’s not socially accepted to scream for no reason but as a parrot, I would be free.


What mythical creature or creatures do you wish actually existed?

Mainly for fun, (and if I didn’t have to deal with them myself) I wish that manananggals (look it up) and sirens were real.


If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be?

I would love to bring Morris from Shang Chi to life since he is a perfect, deformed kiwi. (I’m not making this up, you can look Morris up. He’s a masterpiece.)


If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the oddest movies?

I would switch Geralt from The Witcher and Uncle Jesse from Full House. (Yes, I know these are TV shows but I don’t care.)


If money were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?

I would want to live in the Bermuda Triangle.


What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?

“You probably like Justin Bieber.”

 ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Thank you, Muffin Man for your delightful insights. Feel free to use this venue any time you’d like!


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