Thursday, March 24, 2022

Muffin Man!!!


Today we have a guest blogger who goes by the name “Muffin Man.” MM has a unique take on things…hope you enjoy…


What makes someone a hero?

To be a hero, you need a cape, glittery spandex, and a mask that doesn’t even cover half of your face. Frankly, I don’t believe that anyone can really describe what a hero is. A hero can be someone who adopts a stray dog or someone who volunteers at a homeless shelter. A hero, in any context, can be described in so many different ways. 


What are you freakishly bad at?

I’m terrible at spelling. I rely on autocorrect but, sometimes, even our beloved modern technology can’t correct my “nessescisarcily” to “necessarily.”


If you could create your own job title, what would it be?

I would be a lint inspector for rich fool’s pockets.


What would be the best thing you could reasonably expect to find in a cave?

A corpse.


What would be the most unsettling thing to keep occasionally finding around your house?

People. I don’t want neighbors. They freak me out.


What really gets on your nerves?

I hate it when my P.E coach exists.


If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your new name and where would you go?

My new name would be Dank Meme McCarthy because no one in their right mind would choose such a dumb name…except for yours truly. I would love to go to Ding Dong, Texas. Why? Well, the name is self explanatory. 

 “Hello yes I have eyes on Dank Meme.”


“You heard me.”

“Uh, well, okay. Where is the location?”

“Ding Dong.”

“….I’m quitting my job.”


Is cereal soup? Why or why not?

Well, is stew a cereal?


What kind of secret society would you like to start?

One without people. 



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