Thursday, January 20, 2022

Random Ratiocinations


What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?

Dragons and unicorns, of course! Unicorns are just so darn cool, and I’d love to have a dragon like the ones in the Pern series by McCaffrey.


What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?

An adorable little elephant.


If you could domesticate any animal in the world, which would you pick?

Any of the large cats. Snow leopard, mountain lion, jaguar.


Would You Rather Look Like A Potato, Or Feel Like A Potato?

I would have to say I’d rather look like a potato, because…at least they have EYES!!! hahahahaha


What invention doesn’t get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world?

Toilet paper. Toothpaste. Deodorant.


What’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?

What small change greatly improves a person’s appearance?

The answer to both of these questions is: A SMILE!


What’s the hardest you’ve ever worked?

Birthing two kids, both breech, with NO drugs. Gotta admit, though, it was worth it.


When was the last time you immediately regretted something you said?

I’m sure there have been many times this happened, but there is one time that I will never forget. There was a couple at church who had been married forever, and he died. It was maybe a couple weeks later at coffee hour after church that I was looking for Marv and scanning the room. The widow asked what I was doing and (without thinking) I said “Oh, I just lost my husband.” YIKES!! The woman got a kind of glazed look and walked away.


If you could change your name at this very moment, but it couldn’t contain any of the odd numbered letters in the alphabet, what name would you choose?

Since ALL the vowels are odd numbered, that’s a bit of a poser. I doubt that I could even come up with a Welsh name. So I went in the other direction and used only the even numbered letters. That wasn’t a lot better, but here’s what I chose: Susie McKay. Either that or M.C. Queasy.


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