Thursday, January 13, 2022

Holiday Reflections

Usually, it’s Thanksgiving that is considered the start of “The Season” so that’s where I’ll begin. It’s usually just Marv and me at Thanksgiving. When his mom was alive, we always had her over, and sometimes Sarah and Lia were there as well. This year was different. Our church hosted a full-on dinner for the folks that would otherwise be alone. That was nice. All the trimmings and none of the clean-up or leftovers for days on end.


Depending on where in the week Christmas Eve and Day fall, it’s sometimes just Marv and me for that. We used to have a couple of friends we’ve known forever come to the house after the church service on Christmas Eve. Now they go to another church and also have the joy of a grandson and spend it with him. Marv and I have always been comfortable with being alone with just the two of us. This year was wonderful with both Sarah and Lia being here and then Lia staying on for an entire week.


A couple of weeks before Christmas, Rite Aid would usually have their Russel Stover boxed chocolates on sale for $5. I would get one of almost every variety and put them in the freezer. Throughout the following year I would get a box out of the freezer on occasion and those chocolate would last me until the next Christmas sale. I didn’t do that this year. My scale had become increasingly sarcastic whenever I stepped on it and I took the hint.


And no peeps this year!! No Christmas trees, snowmen, gingerbread men…I did find a lonely box of 3 snowmen peeps on sale at CVS after Christmas and got it. I think they might have been there since last year…


Also, no Baklava!!!! I would get a tray of that, usually at Walmart and make that last for quite a while. NONE to be found this year! Not even Raley’s! I was ready to pay a hefty price there, but there wasn’t any. I did pay for the ridiculously high-priced holiday grapes, but that was my special treat to me for Christmas. One bag.


So Epiphany has come and gone. Christmas is over. The boxes are down from the attic. The shepherds, wise men and the holy family will nap until next year.


I came across this article by Debbie McDaniel. Wise words on what to remember about this celebration of the birth of Christ, and the days following:


“Deep breath.

His reminder today, Christmas may be over, but He never changes. Though some days seem to have lost their shine, He's still the same.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. On all the big, celebration days and on all the days in between.

We still have such reason to celebrate, we still have reason for joy, today, and every day.

For He is with us.

Don't ever doubt. His heart is for you. In the times of joy, and the times of brokenness, through it all, He longs to give grace and pour out His love.

May His peace and joy fill your hearts and homes more than ever before, in these days after Christmas.”



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