Thursday, September 9, 2021

Grown-up Perks



It’s getting close to when Marv gets home and I have to start dinner. I already have dinner planned out. BUT—I REALLY want some graham crackers and milk RIGHT NOW. I go back and forth in my mind as to what to do. If I eat the graham crackers now, I won’t feel like eating much for dinner. But I want them now! So, you know what?? I ATE THE GRAHAM CRACKERS. And they were so good! Who cares if it spoiled my dinner? I’m a grown-up…I can do ANYTHING I WANT TO. So I did…



I DON’T LIKE BROCCOLI! Never have, but I would eat it on occasion because it was “good for me”, same with a lot of food in that category. Didn’t like it, but would force it down. I came to the decision that because I was a grown-up I did NOT have to eat stuff I didn’t like. SO…

No more broccoli!

No more fish! (except for beer-batter fish that you just put in the oven)

No creamed corn! Just regular or on the cob.




I can go to bed anytime I feel like it. I know I have been tremendously blessed in not having a set job since the kids were born. Yes, I had to get up early sometimes because I had kids, or had to take care of my parents, or had a doctor’s appointment, etc. But for the most part, I can stay up late if I want. I can sleep in late if I want. If I wake up in the middle of the night and want a bowl of Cap’n Crunch and play on the computer for a bit, I can. And nowadays, I can go to bed early just because I’m tired and feel like it. I have to admit that the last one is the one I most go after…



This is more for an “older” grown-up. I can call any man or woman younger than me “sweetie”, “honey” or “dear” without offending.


#16 part A

I don’t care much anymore what folks think of me. If I feel like going to a restaurant on my birthday, I WILL wear my crown. If they have coloring menus for kids, I WILL ask for one and I WILL color. Same at Mt. Mike’s Pizza. I will get a coloring page and color it. One time when I was there with a friend, we both colored our pages and wrote our names and ages on them and gave them to be displayed on the wall with the other “kids” pages…


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