Thursday, September 23, 2021

Practicing Hygge


No, not yoga…hygge…pronounced either hue-guh or hoo-gah. I read an article about this. The word is from the Danish and Norwegian for a mood of coziness and being comfortable and content. It’s how they get through those harsh winter months without getting cabin fever. Since the winters in California are so mild in comparison there isn’t that problem. But I love the idea behind it. Some of the suggestions I think can be incorporated not matter what the weather is. Here are just a few.


Spend quality time with family and friends

TURN OFF THE TV AND PUT YOUR PHONE ON SILENT. Talk to each other. Eat at the table instead of in front of the TV. Linger over the meal. Maybe play a board game after you’ve cleared the dishes.


Candles, candles, candles

I love a candle-lit atmosphere. Whenever the power goes out here, I have several candles that I light and place all around the house. It’s hard to read or play games by candle light, but that’s where the talking comes into play.


Sit by a roaring fire

Not everyone has a fire place, and in some areas wood fires are prohibited. Decorative logs with a gas fire or LED are just as cozy looking. And in the summer you can do this without getting too warm.


Keep meals simple

I’m a huge fan of soups and stews and I love my slow cooker dearly. You can even make desserts in them. Fewer cooking dishes and less clean-up.


Pick up a book

Seriously! Of course, if you are not a recreational reader you’re stuck. Don’t know how to advise you on this. I guess audio books would serve. My brother, his wife and their daughter used to gather at the table each night for their bedtime snack and read to each other. I loved that! I wish we had established that routine ourselves.


And now I wish it were snowing hard outside…


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