Thursday, August 29, 2019

It’s All About Me

Do you close the bathroom door when you’re home alone?
Nah. The cats would not have been able to keep me company otherwise…

Would you rather be slightly UNDER weight or slightly OVER weight?
Again, SERIOUSLY??? What kind of idiotic question is that?!? I’m not even going to dignify that one with an answer…

Dream job (realistic or fantasy, your choice)
An arts and craft teacher for children. When it was my turn to help out at the preschool when the kids were little, I loved the craft/art time. When Lia came along, I started collecting tons of ideas and examples from the internet and have had a GREAT time with her. I think I would be a very good teacher for that. I would also enjoy sharing how to make altered books with adults.

What's the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back, went to the bathroom, started dinner, etc.?
Paul was EXPERT at this!! My three favorites: #1 – He got into the fridge drawer where the bag of chocolate chips was. Took them out and scattered them ALL OVER THE FAMILY ROOM FLOOR. The carpet is dark, so I really didn’t realize this until I started walking (barefoot) in the room. #2 – We were playing games with friends at the table while Paul opened the zipper of one of the bean bag chairs and spread the little Styrofoam beads ALL OVER THE FAMILY ROOM FLOOR. Our friends got down on the floor with us to scoop it all up. There was too much to try and vacuum it up. #3 – Paul was a bit of a drooler when he was very little and had a perpetual rash on his chest because his shirt was always wet. We would smear diaper rash cream on it to soothe it. Apparently he decided to self-medicate one time…all over the lower half of his face, his neck and his chest. Somewhere in the black hole where pictures hide, there is a picture of this episode…

Was your child’s (children's) name a mutual decision or was it a debate?
Right from the beginning, we knew that if the first child was a girl, her name would be Sarah. It was our favorite Bible name for a girl. Her middle name would be Louise, which is my and my mom’s middle name. What we struggled with was a name if it was a boy. We liked the name Paul, because that was the name of Marv’s dad, but we felt that Marv’s older brother had dibs on that. We sort of liked David or James, but never really came to a firm decision. Thankfully, Sarah was born first. When I was pregnant the second time, so was my sister-in-law. She went into labor first, they named their son John, so we felt we could use the name Paul. We could NOT come to an agreement on a girl’s name. Sarah was always our first and only choice. As we were driving to the hospital and arguing about a girl’s name, we half-heartedly decided on Susan. Hadn’t a clue for a middle name. Once, again, thankfully it was Paul who arrived. His middle name was going to be Jacob, which was my grandfather’s name, but Paul was born on his grandfather Joseph’s birthday, so Joseph it was.

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