Friday, June 7, 2019

June 2019 Book Report

The Sign of the Mute Medusa (1977) by Ian Wallace

Good sci-fi that is the second in a series of three. I greatly enjoyed the story, but the biggest thrill was the language. Awesome use of language!! Can’t say enough about it, and it’s hard to explain. The author has a unique style that just grabbed me. I don’t know if it is in the other books, but I’m sure going to try and find a couple. Detective Claudine St. Cyr and her lieutenant U. Tuli are called in to investigate the disappearance of two prominent men on the planet Turquoise. The planet has been almost destroyed by pollution and no one can go outside the domed cities without protective suits and oxygen. St. Cyr and Tuli are hampered by not being fully briefed on the case. There are also a lot of time shenanigans.
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Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886) by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Young Cedric Errol, son of a deceased Englishman and an American mother, discovers he has inherited the title of Lord Fauntleroy after both his English uncles die unexpectedly. Although his grandfather, the Earl of Dorincort, hates America and all Americans, he brings Cedric and his mother to England in order to raise Cedric as a proper Englishman to inherit the vast estate.
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365 Days of Wonder, Mr. Browne’s Precepts (2014) by R.J. Palacio

By the author of Wonder (great book!) on which the movie (great movie!) was based. The fictitious teacher, Mr. Brown, lists the precepts from students and notable people. Some are very basic, which makes it great for younger people. This would be a great book to have in the classroom for kids to think about and discuss.
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Winterhouse (2018) by Ben Guterson

First book in a really fun trilogy. Lia read this book in school and sparked my interest. I bought the book and loved it. Elizabeth Somers lives with her grumpy aunt and uncle and has no joy in life other than reading. She is sent to Winterhouse hotel for the Christmas holidays and meets Freddy Knox, another lover of books and words. Together they solve a mystery about a very strange couple of guests.
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Hotel Hostess (1938) by Faith Baldwin

After her father’s loss of wealth and subsequent suicide, Judith Gillmore must earn her living as a hostess at a luxury hotel. She meets young Dr. Martin who is the resident doctor. She is also pursued by rich Bert Wallace, who knew Judy when she had money.
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1943) by Betty Smith

I read this book in high school for a book report. Don’t remember what grade I got, but I enjoyed the book a great deal. I decided to read it once more before donating it. The book starts out in 1912, telling about Francie Nolan, her brother Neeley, her hard working mother Katie and her handsome, weak, alcoholic father Johnny. There is no money for luxuries and they get by as best they can. Nice slice of life from a world long gone.
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