Thursday, July 21, 2016

Habits to Kick Before Age 30

Thought I’d share my wisdom after reading this article.
The original article had 29 things, but I’m SO FAR PAST 30 a lot were no longer relevant. Here’s what was left:

Spending too much on cheap (i.e.: trendy) clothes--
No fear there! Once I left the work force to have kids I have dressed for comfort. I do have a few nice outfits for church, but that’s about it.

Skimping on skin care--
This one is VERY important. And thanks to my Aunt LoLita and a home-ec class in high school, I started on this early on.

“Forgetting” to call older relatives--
Since my parents were older than most when I was born, by the time I was 30 most of my older relatives were no longer here. But I do regret not calling my Aunt LoLita more often.

Not saving money--
This is a huge regret. It never occurred to me to put aside some of my paycheck when I was working. After having kids we were down to one paycheck, but we still could have saved a bit more.

Not cleaning your shower until it’s covered in mold--
Thank you, Lord, for those wonderful cleaning products that you can just spray on and rinse off!

Smoking or tanning at all--
Neither Marv nor I EVER smoked, but I was guilty of trying to get a nice tan when I was young. Marv always burned and peeled, so he never tried for a tan either.

Not pursuing something you love--
I was in such an awful state of mind in my youth. I couldn’t imagine living to the age of 20, let alone what I wanted to do in life. I truly regret that I didn’t get help earlier. I think I would have enjoyed being an art teacher in elementary grades.

Constantly running late--
I have NEVER been late, barring car trouble. I am early or on time. Always.

Checking your phone at the dinner table--
This wasn’t an issue in earlier years. No cell phones. But I think it’s the height of discourtesy to do this.

Never exercising--
Another big regret. *sigh*

Complaining about getting older--
HA! At this great age (62) I feel it’s my RIGHT to complain!! But not you young whipper-snappers…

Never buying groceries (Seamless and drive-thru)--
I had to Google Seamless. Never heard of it. As for drive-thru, we didn’t do much. We still don’t. It’s expensive!

Skipping doctor appointments--
I bug my daughter about this one. Again, at my age, it’s nice to get out of the house, even if it’s to see a doctor.

Fighting with your siblings over small stuff--
Yeah, but age 30 this should be over with. My brother and I had the usual strife when we were kids, but by junior high it was done. MY kids, however….

Some of the other ones had to do with asking for a raise, online dating, drinking and the consequences, social media etc. Stuff that had no application to me, either as a youngster or now.

So if you’re 30+ and still doing/not doing some of this stuff—CUT IT OUT! Act your age!!

PS...get off my lawn... :-)

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