Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jan.P.A.D. first

One of my 2014 resolutions was to participate in a Photo A Day journal. You’re supposed to take a pic each day and post it. You get a list with one thing each day to take a pic of. I don’t do instagram or any of the other things that folks are doing. I take pics. Period. Then when Marv has a chance, I have him put them on the computer in my folder. I knew I would be doing things this way when I started. I also didn’t take the pics in the order they were listed. Depending on where I was and what I was doing or what was around me, I’d take a pic. So I will post a few pics each time and comment on them. I will post them in the order they were on the list though. I’m not the best at photography, as you will quickly learn, but I did my best.
It’s been fun doing January, so I’ll continue on for February in the same manner. Enjoy!

1. Lunch – This was taken while I was in Fresno. Chris’ sister was visiting and we decided to have Taco Bell. I wish Lia wasn’t so blurry in this pic…she is ADORABLE!!

2. Begins with G – At first I thought I’d be clever and take a pic of myself, for “Grandma” but then decided to try and use some imagination and not go for the obvious. So we have Ground Cinnamon instead.

3. My town – I know this isn’t a very good pic. I found this on the internet and made it bigger and then took a pic of is. So sue me.

4. Words to live by – Another one I got from the net and took a pic. Marv wasn’t thrilled that I was quoting the Dalai Lama, but these are good words to keep in mind. It definitely is always possible to be kind. So do it!

5. Found – I wrote about this little lamb several years ago. It’s part of my Nativity set. At one point, this little guy got lost and I didn’t realize it at first. So he was absent at Christmas until the time we moved a piece of heavy furniture. I don’t remember now what it was, but when we moved it…there was my lost lamb!!

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