Friday, June 1, 2012

Reflections After The Trip

Now that I’ve hit the highlights of the Virginia trip, here are some “side issues” that I wanted to write about. God was very, very good to us, and I want to acknowledge that.

I was very concerned about keeping my luggage to a minimum. Since you are now charged for each bag you check, I wanted to be sure and get as much as I could in my checked bag and then hope the overflow would fit in my carry-on. I was amazed at just how much I was able to pack in my suitcase. I more than enough room for my stuff, and was even able to pack all those books I bought for the return home! I had thought for sure I would have to ship them. But Marv and I were able to split them up between our 2 suitcases and get everything else back in as well.

I was also very concerned about boarding Harper. Not about the cost, which wasn’t cheap, but about leaving a very loving and sociable cat in a cage for a week. Foothill Boarding is the BEST PLACE!! The room for the cats was light, airy, CLEAN and the cages were all multi-level. We checked out the place beforehand and were able to reserve a 3 level cage for Harper. When I took him in the morning before we left, the woman in charge, Karen, impressed me so much with her warmth and obvious love for animals. She assured me that Harper would receive extra love from her while I was gone. That eased my mind so much!

Since this whole trip was a once-in-a-lifetime deal, we knew our credit was good enough that we could put things on our cards and pay it off over time. Lots of time! We have always been careful with credit card use, and I thank God so much that we have a good credit rating!

While we were gone, 2 of our friends lost a parent. One friend lost her dad, the other lost his mom. We were able to get home in time for both funerals.

So all in all, the blessings abounded, as they always do. I still fret more than I should. I still worry about stuff I have no control over. In other words, I’m still human. But God made me human and loves me just the same! ♥

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