Thursday, August 8, 2024

Forced Perspective



In this case, it doesn’t have the same meaning as with art work or photography. It’s forced mental perspective. It’s forcing yourself to view aspects of your life from both sides. And the reason for it is not to erase or discount the negatives, but to find the positives and focus more on them. The cartoon above shows the different views of the same scenario.


I used to be stuck on the negatives. I’d brood about it a LOT. I’d focus on that and neglect anything positive that might’ve come from the same ideas, events, etc.


And now for the statement “I’m no longer the person I used to be”…


I REJOICE in that!


Past me: Younger, but unhappy. Believing that I was as ugly and fat as I was told in school. Comparing myself to others and believing I was worthless. Not seeing any kind of future where I would be happy. Looking back, I KNOW there were positives, but I was so focused on the negatives that I couldn’t hold onto them for any length of time.


Present me: A LOT older, more physical ailments, but if not happy about it, I AM content. I can accept myself as I am. I can see and take joy in things around me. I am so blessed with just about everything in my life now.


Future me: Salvation and an eternity with the Lord! Not that I didn’t have it before, but I couldn’t see it as clearly as I do now.


Negatives still come around, but they’re not living rent-free in my mind anymore.


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