Thursday, August 1, 2024

For The Love Of Reason, WHY???



Some things I see on the news or read about leave me shaking my head and rolling my eyes so hard I’m in danger of my eyeballs popping out and rolling on the floor.


Things I do NOT understand:


The whole statue destroying craze is insane. Do they really think it will change minds? I got my doubts.


Defacing monuments or natural wonders. Scratching your name/initials on a public building or historical building. Think the Colosseum. Most graffiti. Spray painting rock formations. That’s just plain vandalism. Childish behavior.


Damage from climate/environmentalist/animal rights activists.

Did they think this actually helps their cause? Keep people from using certain products, certain food stuffs? Seriously? I got my doubts.


Dumping black dye in the Trevi Fountain.

Covering Stonehenge with orange paint.

Throwing liquids at famous paintings.

NONE of those things have anything to do with oil or the environment. It will NOT change people’s minds. If anything, it will cause them to decry the very message these vandals are trying to get across.


And gluing yourself to the counter at Starbucks will NOT stop people from using dairy products. Trust me on this. And I WILL continue to eat animal flesh. And enjoy it. A nice ham sandwich with swiss and a glass of chocolate milk is mighty tasty.


If you think it’s wrong to eat, drink, use certain products or foods…fine. Don’t do it. Just stop trying to cram your ideals down MY throat. A reasonable, sane conversation will go much farther than violence, vandalism or profane language ever will.


Will any of those people read this? I got my doubts.


PS…Political stuff I don’t even want to go into. Everyone’s totally lost their marbles. And I used to enjoy playing with marbles…



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