Thursday, March 7, 2024

Put Down That Fork!! (or spoon)


I read an article about awful foods you should never eat. This was from a discussion group, so of course it’s personal opinions from different people. No underlying facts about it being bad for you, just that some people find these foods to be a nightmare.


Savory Jello

I have to side with this one. When I was first married, I got a “cook book” on the various things you can do with Jello. I’m sure you’ve seen some pics of these abominable things, like veggies, hotdogs, seafood…YUK…Although I have to admit I did like shredded carrots in orange jello.




I LOVE ambrosia! I have several different ways this can be fixed, and view it as a dessert.




EVERYONE remembers this fat substitute and the dire consequences that followed. Or should I say diarrhea consequences. No products are sold in the US now that has that ingredient.



Surströmming (Sour Herring)

I have to agree about this one too. Nordic folk love it, but it’s illegal in a lot of places. Thankfully. Never tried it and never will.



Wagyu steak with any condiment

If you’re paying big bucks for this, I can understand not wanting to distract from its delicious (expensive) taste. I’ve never had it. Probably never will. If I’m in a restaurant having regular steak, I like to have seafood cocktail sauce to dip my bite into. 



Shark Fin Soup

Harvesting the fins is a crime in most international waters. And you can’t taste it in the soup, either. It’s cartilage with no nutritional value.




Deep Fried Butter




Brains (of any kind)

Nope nope nope nope nope…..



Rodents (land, water, or air-based)

The usual suspects as far as land rodents. But that also included rabbits and squirrels. For water rodents you got your capybara, nutria, muskrat and beaver. And of course, air-based means bats. I don’t care what Granny Clampett put in HER pot for supper, give me chicken or beef. And while I agree that rabbits are a viable meat source if treated humanely, I would think twice before I personally could kill and dress a bunny…



Maggot Cheese

Do I REALLY have to explain this one? I had never heard of it before reading this article. If you HAVE to know about this cheese, Google it. And try not to barf…


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