Thursday, May 18, 2023

Free Fall – May 2023



I was reading some random stuff looking for blog fodder and came across the fact that nutmeg can be hallucinogenic. I thought “Cool! You can drink a heavily “loaded” eggnog at Christmas and pour on the nutmeg!”  That way, you could be drunk AND see unicorns! Doing more research (on Google, not by drinking said eggnog) I then discovered that too much nutmeg (2 teaspoons) was toxic. Not only would you have hallucinations, but also nausea and severe emesis. Emesis is another word for vomit. Might as well put Ipecac in your eggnog. No thanks.

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Describe the first pair of shoes you bought for yourself (meme question)

I was about 15 and my dad, brother and I went to Kansas City, MO to visit my Aunt Bernice during summer vacation. It was a nice visit, aside from the TOTAL HUMIDITY that gave me a headache most of the time. Aunt Bernice was a real bargain hunter and took me on a shopping trip one time. I had a little money that my mom had given me. One store had a bin of shoes on sale. There was a pair of 1969 neon bubblegum pink mary janes that I absolutely fell in love with. They cost 25¢. Can’t argue with that. The picture is the closest I could find. No flower on the side, though. I would have loved that. I wore those things ALL THE TIME. My favorite combination was wearing them with a tangerine plaid dress. I wore those shoes until they fell apart. They were deeply mourned.

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I regularly check out the Bored Panda website for interesting stuff to blog about and learned a new term. Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Originally, an MPDG is a female character in movies that is odd or quirky and exists solely for the development of the lead male character. If you look on Wikipedia you will find a list of movies that have that type of character. Current reps of this character are Wednesday Addams and Enid. The article on Bored Panda asked women the most MPDG thing they had done in their youth to show their quirky side. Most of them were definitely for the young. Here are the ones I liked and would even like to do now at my advanced old age…

Carry bubbles in purse to stop smoking. Instead of taking a cigarette break, she would sit and blow bubbles. I think that would be SO FUN to be in a public place (like Taco Bell) and blow bubbles. Outside, of course.

Bought a bunch of miniature people like the tiny ones for model train sets and would give them out randomly to people with no explanation. I know I will probably never do this, but I’d like to.


Ones I liked but am too old to do now…

Wear vintage fedoras or old tweed coats

Thread flowers in my pierced ears

Carry around a plush cat toy (although I reserve the right to do this when I’m in “the home”)


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