Thursday, April 30, 2020

Treading Water but Still Afloat

This will be my ONLY blog post to mention the current Covid-19 situation. And it is from MY perspective and experience. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. But please, no more sniping or hatred. I will immediately delete any comments that are overwhelmingly negative. There is so much tragedy, so much valor and courage, so much HATRED and bitterness from all sides in the political and social arena. There’s another point that I will make, and that is in regard to my faith. I will NOT debate my faith. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve been afraid to post much that I know I will get slammed for. So…

I’ve always been an introvert, so self-isolation suits me fine. The biggest plus is that I have Marvin. We LOVE being together all by ourselves. Yes, I miss seeing our friends in person. I especially miss being able to be with Lia in person. I miss going to church. Even though my Christian faith doesn’t require an actual building, I miss being among the body of Christ in the congregation. I miss Communion.

I have very little of some of the bigger stresses a lot of people have. I don’t have school-age kids that need home help along with the online classwork. HUGE kudos to these parents!! And their kids!! And even more to the ones with very young kids that need to be amused every waking moment.

While I do have an underlying illness with my lung disease, both Marv and I take special care and so far there have been no problems. The few times I go out to shop with Marv I am VERY careful. And let’s face it, helping Marv shop is one of those essentials. Right now I don’t care what brand of anything I need, but with more than one choice, Marv gets confused… ;-)

I have to admit that I would not mind having a multimillion dollar home with pool, movie theater, etc., etc., etc. like the celebrities, but would certainly not complain that I feel like I’m in prison…BUT…

So far we’re OK financially.

I do have a comfortable home I enjoy. I have tons of books. I have my crafts. I have the Internet. I have satellite TV. I have a nice back yard to sit in when it’s not so stinkin’ hot you can’t breathe…I digress…

All in all, God has taken very good care of me the last 66 years and I expect He will continue to do so.

Soli Deo Gloria

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