Thursday, February 22, 2018

Inane Questions part 2

I think vegan food is:
Fine. Except in my case, I’d like a slab of meat along with it. I enjoy being an omnivore. Veg, meat, dairy, grains. The whole pyramid. Especially donuts. That’s the star at the top of the pyramid.

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only eat one food, it would be:
A huge omelet. Stuffed with cheese, mushrooms, bacon, ham and hashbrowns. Yes, I know hashbrowns are supposed to be a side dish, but if I’m limited to one thing, it’s gonna be a biggie! That way, I have most of the food groups right there. Except donuts. I would REALLY miss donuts. And I’m NOT gonna put a donut in my omelet…

If I could only take one item with me to a deserted island, aside from food and water, I'd take:
Marvin. What?? It’s MY blog! No? Then how about the Professor from Gilligan’s Island? No again? Dang…and I know I can’t say “a Walmart store” either. Although that would make things a bit easier. Well, if I don’t have to worry about food or water, then I guess I’d say a box of books. A box is one thing, right?

Before I go to sleep I like to:
I used to really enjoy a bedtime snack. Like toast and hot chocolate. Something comforting. But since developing a hiatal hernia, I have to have a fairly empty stomach or I can’t lay down. So most of the time now my little routine is bath, toothbrush, nighttime pills, etc. Sometimes if I’m into a really good book and I’m nearing the end, I will sit up and read that sucker til I get to the last page.

My favorite place to be is:
Anywhere with Lia
The north coast area
Almost anywhere in nature
Bed, with flannel sheets in the winter

If I could be feared by all or loved by all, I’d choose to be:
Loved. Duh. This is really a dumb question and I almost didn’t include it. I guess there are some who would rather be feared, but thankfully I don’t know of any that are in my life.

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