Thursday, February 23, 2017

Random Info

Continuing some of the ramblings I started last week, here are some more random questions with my equally random answers. As for the cute little owl in the straw hat: he serves no other purpose other than he makes me smile.

What’s your go-to meal to cook when you’re in a hurry?
I’ve always had the means to whip up a fairly decent meal in a hurry by having a well-stocked pantry of canned goods.
Any kind of pasta with a can of meat (chicken, beef, tuna etc), a can of mushrooms and a can or jar of sauce.
A pound of hamburger can be thawed and cooked fairly quickly in the microwave while cooking up a box of seasoned rice on the stove.
Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Classic.
And we always have some kind of bagged vegetables in the freezer to balance out the meal.

Would you prefer to having people over for dinner, or going to their house?
Either one. We have a small house, so we’re limited in how many we can have over, unless it’s summer time and we can spread out in the backyard. I love having our friends over. It’s also nice to have someone else do the cooking. It’s a winner either way.

Do you ever go out to eat by yourself?
Sometimes. Don’t really care for it. I’d rather have company. I’ve never gone out to a real dinner by myself, it’s only been lunch or something. And I always have a book with me!

Do you finish a book if it’s boring or you don’t like it?
If it’s a book I’ve actually paid money for, yes. I might do some skimming, but I’m going to try and get my money’s worth. But I can’t remember ever buying a book I wasn’t sure about. If it’s a library book, or one someone’s lent me, and I start losing interest, I will go to the end and see how it turns out. Most of the time I will finish it though.

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