Friday, September 6, 2013

Marie Wright

In high school Botany class, we were assigned to do something concerning plants. A lot of kids did a report on wildflowers with pressed flowers. I decided to do weeds. Much more interesting. My mom worked in the office of the local Girl Scout Council, and said that a lady who also worked there could probably help me a lot. Her name was Marie Wright. She knew everything about plants. She invited me to come to the office and she would help me.

Next to the office was a field filled with all different weeds. Marie walked around that field with me and pointed out all of them. I had an old phone book to press the weeds in, and would write the names down as I put them between the pages. I got a ton of those things. Some of the weeds actually had pretty little flowers. Made up a nice album of them and got an “A” on it.

Sadly, a few months later, Marie was killed by a drunk driver. I never even got to show her my album. I still think about her. She showed me the beauty of weeds.

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