Friday, July 20, 2012

The Natural Resources of Ravenskye City

A couple of times when there was a lag between quests in Ravenskye, I would idly see how many different types of snagvine there were. I toyed with the idea of cataloging them and coming up with uses for them. About the time I would start seriously thinking of this, the quests would start again. Well, now there are NO quests in the foreseeable future, and I find myself waiting to redo my city until I’ve finished getting the last of my collections and can clear the whole place and start over. SO….out came my list again and this time I will finish it.

When Cornelius and the gang landed in Ravenskye City, they had to forage for awhile until they got a better camp set up and rebuilt the city. The many types of snagvine available provided them with tools, medicine and food.

The city itself had 16 different snagvines, the peak had two, and the interior had two.

Reefroot (interior) The oily root could be crushed and boiled down to make a waterproof coating.
Seastalk (int) Bitter leaves, but could be used as a source of vitamins in a salad.

Hybrid bamboo (peak) Used as you would bamboo.
Mountain blush (peak) The flowers would brew into a very flavorful tea.

Chokeroot and Thornychoke were both medicinal for coughs and colds. Use the root of chokeroot and the thorns of the other, pulverizing them and boiling down into a thick syrup. Leaves of both could be brewed into a soothing tea.
Madrash – very toxic. Stay away from it! But the root from Noxroot, crushed and steeped in hot water, would soothe almost any skin irritation.

Clumpvine, Flattop and Wildstalk weren’t of much use except for animal feed.

Fireroot. Spicy leaves for salads. Dry and grind up the root for seasoning that tasted like cayenne.
Tearoot. The leaves made a good tea, but the dried and ground root had more caffeine.
Thickroot. Leaves not good for anything, but the root was good roasted, like a potato.
Twistroot. Leaves could be brewed for a spicy tea and the root ground up and used like ginger.

Spiney and Tangleweed. The spines were very strong and could be used as needles. The tangleweed was difficult to work with, but when soaked and straightened, the core of the vines contained tough fibers that could be separated and used as thread.

Spyrevine. Stalks were very strong and came to a point. After hardening in fire, could be used as a digging tool or as a weapon.

Towerweed was good for fencing.

Watchweed got the name because when burned, it “ticked” like a watch, because of the sap in the plant. Later, it was found the sap could be used as a natural insect repellant.

Even though most of the rocks and vines were eventually eliminated, the usefulness of some of the vines prompted Barley to keep some of the seeds on hand, and Iris and Monty to cultivate some of them in their greenhouses. 

And so ends my little foray into total geekdome....

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