Thursday, June 15, 2023

More questions from the Five


A lot of the questions they get apply more to someone in the media. But sometimes they get ones I can answer…


What TV show from your past would you want to be rebooted?

That’s a tough one, since my past is REALLY in the past. I’m thinking of childhood, and that was a LONG time ago. A lot of the programs I enjoyed just would not be PC enough for today.

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Mighty Mouse

Obviously, too violent. Although it wasn’t the violence against the filthy mice that angered me. It was Mighty Mouse pounding the stuffings out of the cat! Yes, the cat was rather mean, but that was because he was fighting the filthy mice! NO ONE wants mice in their house! It’s better to have a cat. But I still watched the show, hoping that at least ONCE the cat would win…

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Dennis the Menace

Another one that can’t take place in today’s world. Letting your child go out alone and ramble around the neighborhood? Nope. And Mr. Wilson would probably take out a restraining order against that juvenile hellion for all the trouble he causes that old man. And stay off his lawn!

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Mr. Ed

Obviously, Wilbur has been smoking some of the “weeds” in his garden. No one hears Mr. Ed talking. Only Wilbur. And anytime something goes wrong, who gets blamed? The horse! (Of course) At some point, Carol probably got fed up with Wilbur’s heavy weed use and divorced him, leaving him to live in the barn with Ed.

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My Favorite Martian

They MIGHT be able to reboot this in an entirely different direction. Since Martin never did get his space ship fixed and went home, he could have finally been caught by the authorities and shipped off to Area 51. There, the show takes a serious turn and is no longer a sit-com. “Nephew” Tim gets shot trying to defend Martin from the Feds and is no longer in the story. The scientists have a field day with Martin, running all sorts of tests and learning about his various abilities. Elon Musk gets involved since he’s the only one with enough money to actually be able to fix Martin’s spaceship and take a journey to Mars. All of this is hush-hush, of course. THEN…PLOT TWIST! It turns out that Martin had a little fling with their erstwhile landlady Mrs. Brown…remember her? She got pregnant and had a little hybrid human/martian baby! The scientists go absolutely BONKERS and go after Mrs. Brown and her baby, and just as the feds pull up to her house…THE SERIES IS CANCELED WITH NO RESOLUTION!! Fans storm the studio and burn it down to the ground. The fans build a website with fanfiction to continue the story…

Possible cast:

Tim O’Hara – Benedict Cumberbatch (cameo role)

Martin – Sam Elliott (with special appearance by his mustache)

Mrs. Brown – Janelle Monaé (hums the theme song, but in a minor key)

The scientists – various members of the Liverpool Football Club

The feds – various members of the Toronto Maple Leafs

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Finally! A show that can be rebooted with no changes necessary! After all, Lassie WAS the first trans female collie on television…


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