Thursday, August 20, 2020

Since I’ve Been Gone (and why I left)

A few weeks ago I admitted defeat and said I was leaving FB except for my games and to post the link for my weekly blog. I am still open to private message, but no longer engage openly where others can slam me. I try to post something on Tuesdays that I hope won’t offend, but I never know. I rarely comment on someone else’s posts, unless they are a VERY close friend and I feel safe doing so. That was the biggest reason I left. I no longer felt safe. No matter what I said, it caused offense from either side. And while I’m not ashamed of my beliefs, I just plain got tired of being slammed. And I don’t have to take that anymore. My closest friends know my mind and I don’t have to explain or defend myself. I am safe. I have fought very hard for my mental and emotionally stability and no longer will put that at risk.

The first amendment no longer applies. There is no freedom to exercise religion for Christians. No freedom to speak freely without being called names. No freedom to peaceably assemble.
My creed and religion is an offense.
My race is an offense.
My political views are an offense.
Anything having to do with honoring my country is an offense.

Since spending less time on FB I’ve been reading a lot more. Working more on my altered books. Writing more. Enjoying more peace of mind and heart.

I don’t know if there are many people reading my blog anymore. I don’t really care. I do it because I enjoy writing. I make hard copies so Lia will have something to tell her what her grandmother was all about…good and bad. If I get negative comments either on FB or on the blog site itself, I delete them. If that negates free speech, get used to it. It doesn’t apply anymore.

For those of you who still read my blog: Thank you! If the time comes that I no longer go on FB at all, you can bookmark the blogsite. I will continue to post every Friday.

So for now, I will still visit FB, if for no other reason than to keep an eye on my kids. If it all goes sideways, I will shake the dust off my shoes, get back up on the horse I rode in on and take off toward the sunset. I leave you with the first verse of my favorite poem by Emily Brontë:

No coward soul is mine
No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere
I see Heaven’s glories shine
And Faith shines equal arming me from Fear

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