Friday, October 25, 2019

Ink Blots – or, Rorschach I am NOT!

I’ve always thought ink blot tests are a hoot. I would love to take a real one with a real mental health specialist and find out just how crazy I REALLY am!! (Most likely certified bonkers.)

Since Sarah works in the mental health field, but doesn’t use ink blots, I thought it would be fun to do an altered book regarding that subject for one of the page displays in the book I made her. I made some ink blots for her to interpret and had the REAL meanings on the back…(“real” being MY twisted reasoning.)

I had so much fun with that and decided to make some more for YOU, Dear Reader(s), to test yourself and see if you need one of those fancy jackets and a rubber room…the true interpretations (meaning MY interpretations) will be at the bottom.
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Now for the true meanings:
#1 Angry moth. He always wanted to be a butterfly, but life had other ideas. Even though *I* think he’s quite lovely, he has low self-esteem and is still angry.

#2 Angry crab. Came home to discover his wife had invited her mother for dinner. He HATES his mother-in-law, and after a hard day all he wants to do is come home, relax with a drink or two, have a nice dinner and veg out in front of the TV. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!?!?

#3 This is the starship Serenity from the TV show “Firefly”. Which was canceled WAY too soon, so *I* am the angry one here. The two red dots are small Alliance planets where Browncoats are imprisoned. The Serenity crew are trying to decide which planet to go after first and rescue their fellow soldiers.

#4 Clearly, this is Prince Harry. And he is very angry. No other explanation needed.

So, Dear Reader(s), how did your interpretations stack up against mine??? Let me know!

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