Friday, September 13, 2019

Last One?? (I make no promises!)

What's the worst haircut you ever got?
I had really long hair until about 3rd grade. I don’t know what was going through my mom’s mind when she took me to get a pixie cut. My face was NOT made for that kind of cut. I had no idea what was in store, I was just told I was going to get a haircut. NO CLUE! I had to take my glasses off for the cut, so I couldn’t really see that clearly in the mirror. The gal seemed to be taking an awfully long time to cut my hair. When she was done, it was ALL GONE!! I was devastated! I hated it! And the kids at school let me know just how awful I looked with my fat face and no hair.

What is the first nightmare you remember?
We were living with my grandparents in their apartment above their grocery store. I was between 2-3 years old. Looking back, this must have been when my Mom had had a miscarriage and was sleeping in my little bed and I was sleeping with my dad. I woke up in the middle of the night and THERE WAS A SWARM OF BEES ON MY PILLOW! I can still see it clearly in my minds’ eye. A black mass of bees. I was screaming and my grandma came in and took me into bed with her.

What is your earliest childhood memory?
Being in the house before we went to live with my grandparents. Not a whole lot of detail, but I was in my own room, sitting on the floor and playing. I also vaguely remember my dad putting down brick for a patio in the back yard.

Did you have a favorite blanket or toy as a kid? If so, do you still have it?
From my earliest memory I had a blankie and a bunny. I could not sleep without them. When my mom had the miscarriage, I was taken to spend the night with my Aunt Bernice. No one thought to pack my blankie and bunny. When bed time came, my aunt had to call a couple of neighbors to see if they had a doll or something I could borrow.
I don’t recall how old I was when my blankie “disappeared” but I’ve always suspected my grandma decided I was too old for that and took it. Bunny I still have. Rather worn out, but still filled with love.

Longest road trip ever taken, and where did you go?
First one was when I was four and we moved from Missouri to California when my dad got a new job. My grandparents moved with us. I don’t remember much, but I do remember being parked on the side of the road for something and my baby brother had a big blowout in his diaper and the smell made me throw up all over the back seat.
Second trip was when my dad and I drove from Chico, CA to Concordia, Kansas. My Aunt Bernice had passed away and a lot of her stuff that went to us was stored at my Aunt LoLita’s place. LONG TRIP. I don’t know how many days it took but it seemed forever. I was in my late teens and had an eye infection and couldn’t wear my contacts. Light bothered my eyes so much and I couldn’t do any of the driving to spell my dad. He didn’t believe me and thought I was faking. Driving back was better because Aunt LoLita came with us for a visit.

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