Friday, June 22, 2018

How I Make Altered Books

I was really struggling last night to come up with something for the blog. Most know that I post them on the blogsite Thursday night and then do the link on Facebook Friday morning. I was up until 12:30 trying to find something to write about. None of the prompts helped. Whoever my muse for writing is, he/she/it was NOT present. This morning I was prepared to just blow off this week’s post when my trusty craft muse, Myrtle, stepped in. (That’s her on the left) She suggested I tell how I make my altered books. Since I had just finished one, I thought that was a viable idea.

I take a book I got from the dollar store or thrift store. I usually have some idea for a theme in mind beforehand. It might be for a birthday, encouragement, friendship etc. I decide how many pages I will be dealing with. This can change as the ideas start flowing. I will take scrap papers and draw and/or write what words/phrases/lyrics I’ll use. Then I will divide the book up into sections to match. A section will consist of two pages facing each other. I will either do 2 separate ideas for each page or 1 that will span both pages. I think the most I’ve ever done was 12-14 pages total. Plus front and back covers.

Then the work begins. I hunt down the stamps I will use. I’ll go through my files for pictures, words, ideas. I will hunt down anything I don’t already have on file by massive Googling. I’ll consult my scrap pages to refine exactly what is going on a certain page. I’ve also started doing fold-ups and fold-outs if what I want to do takes more than the 2 pages in a section. All this takes an incredible amount of prep time. Once I know what I’m using, I’ll start printing the pics and words. And I know some of the pics are pirated. But I NEVER sell my books. They are always GIFTS, made for my pleasure alone to give. As for words, I always give credit if I’m able.

Once I have all the components at hand, then the FUN begins. The actual assembling of the book. I’ll color the pages for backgrounds with ink or paint. I’ll glue down the pics and words. If there are any raised elements, they go on at the very end so I can have a relatively flat surface to work with throughout the entire book.

Once that’s all done, then I start ripping out pages to make the book flatter, as by this time you can’t close the book because of all the added elements. When that’s done, I connect the pages so that you can open each section by itself. I have a Japanese book punch that is marvelous for that. I will tie the pages together with wire and beads, or thread and beads or simply ribbon.

Then I finish it off with the front and back covers. The front will be a bit fancy with pics and/or ephemera. The back is usually plainer and I always sign it. I had an awesome benediction stamp that I would use on the back for people that I knew were Christians. Sadly, I haven’t been able to find it for a long time.

And that’s it. A book that is filled with chunks of my love, my heart and my soul. And I give it away. There are 3 of my books in England. 1 in Germany. 1 in Australia. Numerous ones here in the US. Thanks, Myrtle!

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