Thursday, October 26, 2017

Night Rain

Used another random image to spark something. Decided to take the first one and run with it.

 It had been raining all day. Feeling very weary and dreary. Had a lot of errands to run involving getting in and out of the car numerous times. Hate doing that. The car fogs up and barely clears in time before you’re at another place and have to get out. At least once THERE WILL BE A PUDDLE that you step into getting out of the car and water goes over the top of your shoe and soaks your ankles. I HATE WET SOCKS!!

By the time the errands are done you are damp, grumpy and have a terrible headache. “Hey, honey! What’s for dinner?” Getting dinner started, you notice that the cat threw up by the stove. Again. Clean that up. Throw something in the microwave. Not the best dinner, but hey, it’s edible. And a couple of margaritas make it go down better.

Whatever is on TV is incredibly annoying and overloud, but it’s way too early to go to bed. Headache is worse. Reading is impossible. WHERE ARE MY SLIPPERS?? Remember the bag from the pharmacy got left in the car. Have to put on the wet shoes AGAIN to go out in the rain to the car to get the bag. Step in another puddle.

FINALLY… it’s 9pm. Time for a nice hot shower. Clean jammies. Have a piece of toast and a cup of hot chocolate for the pain meds to rest on. Slip in between the sheets and heave a huge sigh. The day is over. It’s still raining like crazy out, but it’s now a soothing sound against the window.

Good night.

Friday, October 20, 2017

What’s a Joint Like You Doing in a Nice Girl Like Me?

I saw the ortho doctor this morning. That’s why this is late. I know I need to get a right knee replacement, but didn’t know just how soon I needed it. Pain-wise, I need it now, but $$$ is a huge consideration.

Good news is that even though I’m “at the end of the road” with the arthritis, it’s not urgent. Sooner is better than later, so there isn’t too much more damage done, but I can certainly wait for a while. I did NOT want to be recovering from surgery while Lia was here at Christmas.

When I had my left knee replaced 12 years ago, it was a real shock at how much pain was there in the recovery. I had never experienced pain like that in my life. And I did natural birth with two breech babies!! I had never cried so much from pain. Emotion, yes. Pain, no. I’m a pretty tough gal as far as that goes.

All in all, I am truly dreading getting this one done. Not only will I have the same type pain in recovery, I will be pretty much alone. Paul was still here 12 years ago, and was a tremendous help. I know I have friends I can count on, but I’ve still got enough of that stubborn pride thing going on. I did have a couple friends come in the first couple of days to get me breakfast, but Paul was the one who emptied the bedside commode. He was the one on the floor helping me with the PT.

The biggest concern I have is that I won’t be able to safely drive for some time. It was no problem when I had the left knee done, because I only used the right foot for driving. But I’m going to try to NOT anticipate trouble before I have to. I know I have at least until after Christmas. And I got a shot today that is really helping. Don’t know how long it will last me, but right now I’m doing OK.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Matthew 6:34

Thursday, October 12, 2017

October Ramble

It’s been awhile since I did a ramble. Coming up with a cohesive topic every week is difficult sometimes. Back when I was doing my posts on Myspace alone, I was yammering every other day or so, with just a paragraph or two. Or less. I started there on May 23, 2006. I moved over to Facebook August 1, 2009. That’s over 11 years! And I’ve been pretty faithful in keeping this up every week. I try to be as amusing or interesting as possible.

And speaking of lots of words…I have always been intrigued by NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. It starts on November 1 and ends at 11:59pm November 30. The object is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. That comes out to roughly 1,666.7 words a day. Yow! I doubt that even as gabby as I can be, I would not be able to crank out that number of words and have it even remotely resemble a novel. The goal is not necessarily to have something that is publish-ready, but to stretch yourself personally in your writing. As much as I love Jack Kerouac and Rod McKuen, I don’t think I could do it even emulating their style. I wish I could.

I read an article about the various ways of keeping in touch with folks. It used to be by snail-mail letters or telephone. Greeting cards for birthdays and holidays. Sometimes you’d get a picture Christmas card or postcard as a sort of “Proof of Life” thing. Our Christmas card list gets shorter each year. I’ve said that I usually send Christmas cards out to people who otherwise would think we’d died. And I LOVE getting Christmas cards! I love making them and sending them, but when it’s to someone we really don’t see or touch base with that often, there is that pressure to “write a note” to go with the card. Which brings us to…

The Annual Christmas Letter!! We are ALL familiar with that one. And I will admit something that may make you shake your head: I LOVE Christmas letters. I don’t care how fake they may sound, I truly enjoy them. I even enjoy ones from people I don’t know. Sarah used to share a couple of the Christmas letters she would get each year. And I absolutely adore the one that our mailman leaves in our box each year. I figure since my life is out in the open on Facebook and in my blog, most of my peeps know what’s going on and a letter isn’t necessary. I’ve seen comic ones that spoof the annual letter, and have thought about writing something like it, but never have. So, peeps, what are YOUR feelings about it? Yea or Nay?