Thursday, April 20, 2017

Odd Things

A friend posted this on Facebook and it was titled “40 Odd Things About Me.”  I enjoy this kind of thing, but as I commented to her, the questions really weren’t that odd. I was looking for something off the wall. So I decided that I would tweak things a bit and post my answers for the most interesting questions. Enjoy!

Do you like blue cheese? You mean, do I like mold that tastes like death? Do I enjoy throwing up? The answer is “Hell no!”
Have you ever smoked? Not only have I never smoked, I’ve never been on fire!
Do you own a gun? Not at the moment, but I DO know how to use one…just sayin’…
What flavor Koolaid? I’ve never liked Koolaid. Never. It’s the only drink we got in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Tasted awful. I do use it for dying Easter Eggs, though.
What do you think of hot dogs? I think they are a fine idea. An all-purpose food. They can be eaten hot or cold. I do prefer them hot off the grill.
What is your favorite movie? Rocky Horror and Cold Comfort Farm. I can watch them over and over. CCF is a bit hard to sing to, though.
What is your favorite sport to watch? Olympics. While in my recliner eating chips and drinking beer.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee. In total silence. All alone.
Can you do a push-up? No. Why on earth would I want to?????
What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I love any jewelry anyone wants to give me. Hint, hint.  
What is your favorite hobby? Chillin’, just chillin’
What was your favorite childhood cartoon? Just about all of them that were around in the mid 50s to late 60s. Got a little irritated at Mighty Mouse beating up the cats all the time…
Name three things you did this morning. Made coffee. Drank coffee. Sat silent and alone.
Name three drinks you drink. Soda, booze and coffee
Favorite place to be? Anywhere with my Lia
How did you bring in the New Year? Fairly sober for once. Decided I really don’t like throwing up.
Where would you like to go? Somewhere where everybody knows my name…
Can you whistle? You bet. You just put your lips together and blow….
Where are you now? At any given moment I am usually somewhere between blind panic and ehhhhh.  
Would you like to be a Pirate? Sure. You wanna see my booty? Or swash my buckles??
Have you ever scuba dived? Since I have a great fear of deep water, I’ll have to give this one another “Hell no!”
What's in your pocket? I’m gonna go with banana….
What's your favorite animal? I think most people who know me even a little bit know this answer…CATS
Do you like to dance? Other than The Time Warp, not really, but I LOVE to sing. Can I sing? Sadly, people listening to me would say “Hell no!”

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