Thursday, August 13, 2015

What’s My Locker Combination?!?!?

It’s that time of year again. Back to school. Where did the summer go???

It’s been 43 years since I graduated high school. WHY do I start getting those old feelings when I see the displays of markers, binders, notebooks etc in the stores, gearing up for another school year to begin?
Then the dreams start…

WHERE is my locker? WHAT is my combination? WHERE are my classes? WHAT are my classes? What do you mean, school started 2 weeks ago and I’ve missed 2 weeks worth of classes, don’t know what the homework was, didn’t even know about it?????

Why does this happen? I never forgot where my locker was or what the combination was. None of the terrible things in the dreams ever really happened to me. Yes, 7th through 12th grade was hell itself for me most of the time, but nothing like the dreams.

One of my favorite Val Kilmer movies was “Top Secret!” which was a spoof of spy movies. At one point Val Kilmer has been captured and is being tortured. He drifts off into a dream about high school and being late for class and all the other horrors of those kinds of dreams. When he returns to consciousness and realizes he isn’t in school but is being whipped, he smiles and says in relief “Thank God!”

That’s how I feel when I wake up from one of those school dreams. Thank you, Lord, for seeing me through those awful years.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIs! I have the very same dreams and I've been out of school for 20 plus years!!! Man the thought of having to go back to my teen years scares the crud out of me!
