Friday, July 3, 2015

I Haz Not A Write

It’s summer. I’m drinking a LOT of iced coffee, but right now I’m having a bit of trouble making stuff up. That’s why I periodically ask peeps on Facebook for prompts. I troll the blogosphere on a fairly regular basis and see some amazing examples of REAL stuff that people write about. I do not have a blog-worthy life. I don’t have precocious kids at home doing hilarious things with the dog, hair curlers and play-doh. My husband doesn’t come home with tales of hi-jinks at work. I don’t have an outside job. I’ve always been a SAHM and caregiver. Right now, there are no jinks in my life at all, high OR low.

I have a pretty good imagination, but seem to need a spark to get it going. I used to look at illustrations in magazines and make up little stories or vignettes that went with the pictures.
I think I’ve done all the question memes that were so big several years ago. I will start pondering the suggestions I got and see if I can come up with something to catch your interest.

I hope that next time I will have a decent blog to present to you. But for now, I will leave you with a poem that Mrs. Malloy wrote on the blackboard when I was in 4th grade. I’ve always enjoyed word play, and this one was great:

She frowned and called him Mr.
Because he fondly kr.
And so for spite
That very night
That Mr. kr. sr.

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