Thursday, June 18, 2015

Memory Lane part 1

There have been a lot of these “remember when” pics floating around. And yes, I’m old enough that I DO remember most of them. Here is the first batch of favorites:

Card catalogs
I loved these! I used them all the time at the library. I would have a specific subject or book to look up, but would also find myself just going through some of the cards before and behind the specific one. See what other titles were like the one I was going for, or other subjects. I could spend a very enjoyable time just going through the catalog, jotting down all the books I wanted to look at. You can’t do that with a computer. You have to put down exactly what you want. Maybe I don’t KNOW exactly what I want. I just want to stroll. *sigh*

Evening in Paris perfume
I LOVED this scent! I was pretty little and I had a very old partial bottle that was probably my grandmother’s. I loved the blue bottle, of course, but I also enjoyed the scent. I would put a tiny little amount behind my ears and imagine myself to be a very fancy lady going out for dinner and the theatre. Notice how I spelled ‘theatre’? Just like a fancy lady would.

I loved my jacks. They were REAL ones, made out of metal. You step on one of those barefoot and you learn a hard lesson! I was never very good at actually playing the game, but I loved how they spun. I got some for Lia, and of course they are out of plastic now. And huge. They still spin pretty good, though.

Tabletop juke box
It was a pretty rare thing for anyone in the family to actually put money in one of these and play a song, but I enjoyed flipping through the pages to see how many I recognized. Never got tired of doing that. Sometimes I would just flip, flip, flip, back and forth until I got yelled at to stop.

Of these 4 things, the one I would most like to have available again is the humble card catalog. I really mourned the loss when the library got rid of it.

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