Monday, March 29, 2010

missed anniversary

With everything else that's been going on, I failed to mention that last weekend was the first anniversary of my being able to have dairy again. It's been a great year, gastronomically speaking. I've had pizza, ice cream, cheese of all sorts, and of course--MILK! No more having to read labels to see if there's lactose. It's sure made cooking a lot easier, too. I can make stuff with real milk or butter and don't have to try and make do with lactose-free products that don't always translate as well as real dairy. And I can make things I haven't had in years and used to enjoy a great deal--like Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper! Don't laugh; that's one of my all-time favorites. I pretty much enjoy all the Ham. Help. varieties, but the cheeseburger one was always the family fav and I would make it for Marv and Paul, but couldn't have it myself. And one of the biggest pleasures with that particular variety is a soup that can be made with it. I got the recipe years and years ago on the back of the package and just love it. Marv's not a big soup lover, so he'll usually eat it on the first night and the leftovers will be split up into individual servings for me and put in the freezer to enjoy at my leisure.
So to whatever part of my body that processes lactose, I say: Happy Anniversary (fill in the blank), and many more!

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