Thursday, September 19, 2024

At What Point Does Journaling Become a Manifesto?



manifesto \man-uh-FESS-toh\ noun. : a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.


As you know by now, I write just about anything I have an opinion on. Don’t much care anymore if it angers or offends, but I do try to be reasonable (from my POV) and keep it clean. I have made my point on many subjects and was intrigued to see if I could come up with my own Manifesto. So remember, this pertains to me and my ideas. I don’t try to force anything on anyone.


Dot’s Manifesto For Whoever Wants To Read It


Respect my faith. I don’t force it on anyone, so don’t tell me my faith is wrong.


Respect my political opinions. I don’t force them on anyone, so don’t bash or curse me if yours differs.


If I try to share something I’m happy/excited/joyful about, don’t deliberately harsh my buzz just because you can.


Large people (including me) should not wear Spandex in public. However, I would NEVER comment that to someone in public. And yes, I know I’m fat. I’ve seen myself in 3-sided mirrors in dressing rooms.


Cats are the most perfect animals in the world and don’t try to tell me different.


Dogs are just fine, but cats are better.


I love to eat meat. God gave Noah permission for that when he stepped out of the Ark.


Many social issues I compare to what the Bible says. I don’t publically remark on this unless asked directly. I don’t debate my faith. I can and do love others that have different beliefs than I do.


I am able to agree to disagree.


Cursive should be taught in schools.


Parents should have the right to determine what their children are taught.


I don’t advocate burning or banning books for children, but parents should have the right to choose what their child reads or has read to them in school.


Everyone should know how to read. It’s fun! It’s entertaining! If the power goes out, you might not be able to watch TV, but if you have an oil or battery lamp or several candles you can still read! Read to your children! Get them a library card!


I love God the Father. I love God the Son. I love God the Holy Spirit.

I love my family. I love my friends.


I love my country.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Summer Vacation 2024

Way back in 2015 we took a little vacation to Trinidad, CA. I think it was only 3 days. No vacations since. We decided to go back to Trinidad and spend a little more time. We stayed at the same place as before, View Crest Lodge. Great little place. Microwave, fridge, Keurig AND breakfast! In the evenings you could hear the seals barking on the beach.


Didn’t do a lot, mainly enjoying the wonderful nature that God provided. Drove up the Avenue of the Giants. My idea of what Heave should look like. Went to the Lady Bird Johnson Grove. Visited Sue-meg State Park, where they have reproduced what a traditional Sumeg village looked like. They also have a nice native plant garden to wander through. Agate beach is there, but the climb down (and then back up!) was beyond me.


Shops and restaurants are pretty pricey in Trinidad, and we went forewarned. We had a pretty good dinner of shrimps and chips and the BEST CLAM CHOWDER at Trinidad Bay Eatery and Gallery. We ate inside and saw Adam Schiff and his wife out on the patio. All in all, not including tip, it was $70. The food was good, but the price tag hurt.


One night we got a pizza at Headies Pizza & Pour and took it back to the cottage to eat. VERY good pizza. Sticker shock wasn’t as bad for that one. Large pep and mush $26.

Our last night there we got deli sandwiches at Murphy’s Market. About $7 each. Very good sandwiches.


The last time we were in Trinidad we saw TONS of elk. Absolutely none this visit. Nada. Zip. Zilch. They must’ve been on vacation themselves, since it was after Labor Day and the season was over.

BUT---WE SAW ONE LONELY BANANA SLUG!! Totally worth the trip…


I made an album of the pictures on my FB page. There’s a video Marv took of the Tall Tree and it’s in videos. Don’t know why it got posted twice.


All told, great little vacation. Hope to get back there again sometime. 





Friday, September 6, 2024



Late blog. Just got home from vacay in Trinidad, CA. Didn’t have time to do a real blog. Details in next week’s blog. In the meantime, LOOK AT THESE TREES!!