Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cat And The Moon



June 13th was the birthday of William Butler Yeats (1895-1939)

You can probably guess why the following is one of my favorites from this poet:


Cat and the Moon (1919)


The cat went here and there

And the moon spun round like a top,

And the nearest kin of the moon,

The creeping cat, looked up.


Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon,

For, wander and wail as he would,

The pure cold light in the sky

Troubled his animal blood.


Minnaloushe runs in the grass

Lifting his delicate feet.

Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance?

When two close kindred meet.

What better than call a dance?

Maybe the moon may learn,

Tired of that courtly fashion,

A new dance turn.


Minnaloushe creeps through the grass

From moonlit place to place,

The sacred moon overhead

Has taken a new phase.


Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils

Will pass from change to change,

And that from round to crescent,

 From crescent to round they range?


Minnaloushe creeps through the grass

Alone, important and wise,

And lifts to the changing moon

His changing eyes.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

What the….?



I write myself notes ALL THE TIME!! I’ll have these fleeting thoughts, ideas, questions, things I want to look up later, blog prompts and dates that need to go on the calendar. I will write stuff on little scraps of paper or whatever is handy (church bulletin, sales receipt, envelopes) and “at some point” get back to these reminders to take care of them as I intend…but…


I might not see a particular note until some time has passed and when I read it, I will have NO idea why I wrote it down. What was the reference? Sometimes it will be directions for a craft project or idea for an altered book and it’s been so long since I saw the original pattern/drawing I have no idea how this was supposed to be executed.


Every so often I will round up all the scattered papers and go through them.

Here are some of the latest mysteries. If you have any ideas what they mean, please let me know!

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1. warm water + vinegar   15 minutes   tablespoon of soda

2. Despicable Me, Incredibles, Miss Peregrine, Nine Lives. (All movies, I know. I’ve seen them. I own them. Why are they listed?)

3. Jacob Thornton  (I looked him up. He’s a software guy. WHY did I write his name down?!?)

4. spiral xmas tree  (I’ve seen a lot of these for designs, actual ones to purchase, to make cards. Why this note?)

5. A truly awful line drawing I did. I will sometimes see a neat or unusual design and try to duplicate it. I don’t try to copy, but make it my own thing. This was TERRIBLE. Some kind of continuous line drawing of a face. Didn’t make me think of anyone in particular, so it must have been for the type of design. And no, I’m not posting it for you to look at…

6. Saturday 2012      Cathy 2018 Mar  (absolutely no clue. Dates of some kind, I guess)

7. $245,000  (That’s all…just that price. For what? I don’t know!)

8. I have a copy of my passwords in my file on the computer. I know, that’s dangerous. Don’t care. There are a couple of entries that have an ID name and password. Doesn’t say what website they are for. I know as soon as I delete them from the file they will become necessary.


Random thought:

Starfish poop through their mouths

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Can You Name the Famous Book/Movie?

I hope you can. The answers are at the bottom. SCROLL SLOWLY AND NO PEEKING!! (Bonus points if you’ve also read the book/seen the movie!)


1.     The Geezer and the Caribbean

2.     An Elm Develops from a Sapling Where the Dodgers Once Played

3.     Brilliant Red Communication No One Writes Anymore

4.     While I was in the Bed Croaking

5.     The Muscadines Belong to Anger

6.     Armed Conflict and the Kind of Train Cat Stevens Used to Ride

7.     Out of Here in the Current of Air

8.     The Purple Rain Singer Associated with the Rising & Falling of the Ocean

9.     Tremendous Anticipations

10.   What Comes Before a Fall & Preconceived Judgment Towards a Group

11.   Mitt-Wearing Home Plate Squatter Enclosed by Reuben Sandwich Bread

12.   Murder a Derisive, Taunting, Feather-Covered Creature

13.  An Au Revoir For Everything Inside The Shirt Sleeves

14.  Y2K Minus Number of Candles on Molly Ringwald’s Cake

15.   Felonies and Misdemeanors Coupled With Spankings

16.  The Audio and the Rage

17.  Toward what Person or Persons A Recess-Is-Over Sound is Directed

18.   One Who Domineers Over Things Stuck to the Swatter

19.    Scoliosis Sufferer at the Fighting Irish School

20.    Courageous Globe with the Tag Still On It

21.     Pirate Loot / Counter in the Center of the Kitchen

22.     Story of a Duo of Municipalities

23.   About Little White Rodents and Grown Boys

24.  Ruby-Colored Name Tag Indicating Bravery

25.   The Star in our Solar System Comes Up, Too


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ANSWERS ~*~ ~*~ ~*~


1.     The Old Man and the Sea

2.     A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

3.     The Scarlet Letter

4.     As I Lay Dying

5.     The Grapes of Wrath

6.     War and Peace

7.     Gone With the Wind

8.     The Prince of Tides

9.     Great Expectations

10.   Pride and Prejudice

11.   The Catcher in the Rye

12.    To Kill a Mockingbird

13.   A Farewell to Arms

14.  1984

15.   Crime and Punishment

16.   The Sound and the Fury

17.    For Whom the Bell Tolls

18.   Lord of the Flies

19.   The Hunchback of Notre Dame

20.   Brave New World

21.    Treasure Island

22.    A Tale of Two Cities

23.    Of Mice and Men

24.   The Red Badge of Courage

25.    The Sun Also Rises