Thursday, June 9, 2022

Questions from The Five


I’m a big fan of The Five, a panel news show on FOX news. I hate it when news people snipe at each other and there is a lot of yelling. They don’t do that on The Five. They do have their differences of opinion and that is healthy, but they are able to discuss things like NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS. They respect each other.


On Memorial Day the panelists did a show answering questions from viewers. The 5 panelists were Kennedy, Dana Perino, Geraldo Rivera, Tyrus and Jimmy Failla. I liked the questions and decided to give my answers. The ones that were irrelevant to me I skipped.


Favorite food to put on the grill?

I like pretty much anything you can throw on, but the basics are always best: hot dogs, hamburgers and pork chops. Marv is a master griller.


You’re planning a summer concert. Who is the opener and who is the headliner?

I know the principal members are gone, but it would be a back-and-forth between Robert Palmer and Dr. Hook. It don’t get much better than that!


If you could see a movie again “for the first time” what would it be?

I had to agree with Kennedy on this one. The Sixth Sense. That ending totally ROCKED!!!


Your most memorable neighbor growing up?

A family that lived next door were terrible pet owners. Just awful. The biggest recurring incident was taking their cat and throwing him in the swimming pool. They thought that was hilarious. The cat would climb over the fence into our back yard and I would dry him off and give him something to eat. At one point the dad told me I could just keep the cat. So I did. His name was Kitty. Not very original, I know, but that’s what they called him. He slept with me every night. And he was a good mouser, too! There were other pets they had that they mistreated, but I won’t talk about that.


Favorite sports moment.

I was never into sports, not a player, not part of the audience. In the early days of our marriage, our church had a baseball team that would play the teams from other churches. We were pretty bad, but we had fun. One time we played against an ELCA Lutheran church. We were Missouri Synod Lutheran. We were just there to have fun, but the other team was out for blood. They destroyed us. One guy from our team said, “That’s OK. We have the superior doctrine!”


If you could own a prop from a movie or TV show, what would it be?

Here’s where the picture from above fits in.

The painting of Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) and Harvey (a 6’ 3.5” tall white rabbit that only Elwood could see) from one of my absolute favorite movies – “Harvey”.


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