Thursday, June 27, 2024

How Many Times Can You Watch That?!?


I read an article that listed movies that are rewatchable time and time again. Some of the movies on the list I’ve never seen. Others were good movies that I really enjoyed, but don’t particularly need to see more than a couple of times. The first three here were on the list that I agreed with. The rest are the ones I have added in no particular order. There are a lot more, but I’ve taken up enough of your time…


Month Python and the Holy Grail – “Run away! Run away!”


Rocky Horror Picture Show – “Let’s do the Time Warp again!”


Gosford Manor – VERY British. Have to watch it with CC on.


The Wrong Box – The scene with Peter Seller and ALL THOSE CATS!


Cold Comfort Farm – “I saw something nasty in the wood shed!”


Key Largo/Casablanca/Maltese Falcon – Bogart at his best


Bell, Book and Candle/Harvey/Rear Window and a bunch more of Jimmy Stewart


Clue – “Flames…flames on the side of my head…heaving, breathing, flames…”


Zorro the Gay Blade – Awesome from beginning to end!


Real Genius – ALL THAT POPCORN!!!


The Trouble With Harry – You can’t keep a good man down…or buried, either.


Knives Out – Daniel Craig was BRILLIANT in this!


Charade – My favorite Audrey Hepburn movie




So…what are YOUR faves?


Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Love My Peeps!!


Seriously! I know some people disparage Facebook “friendships” and say they aren’t real. I disagree. The last few weeks I have been sick to a degree I’ve never experienced, and the prayers, love and support I’ve received from my FB peeps has been VERY humbling. And I absolutely believe I’ve benefitted greatly from it all.


My lungs have been a bit dicey for some time now, but it’s never been to the point where I’ve actually been afraid. I won’t go into gross details, because no one wants to hear about that. For a while, though, all I could do was lay in my recliner and try to cough enough to clear things up. Didn’t work. Every bit of energy was used up.


Usually, when I’ve been pretty sick I can at least distract myself with reading, TV or playing on the computer. Couldn’t do any of those things. Trying to hold a book was too exhausting. Sitting at the computer was too exhausting. Had absolutely no interest in TV. Just turning it on was too exhausting. Eating was too exhausting.


The embrace of the recliner was all I wanted.


When I got to the end of the medication I started feeling better. Slowly. Very slowly. Each day was a bit better than the one before. Doing pretty good now.


So a huge THANK YOU and hugs, kisses, fist bumps and whatnot to all of you who participated in my recovery. Special kudos to Marv, who took up the slack for everything, including laundry, dishes and grocery shopping.


I know that I was in the constant care of my Lord Jesus, and I also know He is the one who gave me so many loving friends.




Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mea Culpa


No blog this week. I’m sick. Here are some kitties to look at. Enjoy.