Friday, October 25, 2019

Ink Blots – or, Rorschach I am NOT!

I’ve always thought ink blot tests are a hoot. I would love to take a real one with a real mental health specialist and find out just how crazy I REALLY am!! (Most likely certified bonkers.)

Since Sarah works in the mental health field, but doesn’t use ink blots, I thought it would be fun to do an altered book regarding that subject for one of the page displays in the book I made her. I made some ink blots for her to interpret and had the REAL meanings on the back…(“real” being MY twisted reasoning.)

I had so much fun with that and decided to make some more for YOU, Dear Reader(s), to test yourself and see if you need one of those fancy jackets and a rubber room…the true interpretations (meaning MY interpretations) will be at the bottom.
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Now for the true meanings:
#1 Angry moth. He always wanted to be a butterfly, but life had other ideas. Even though *I* think he’s quite lovely, he has low self-esteem and is still angry.

#2 Angry crab. Came home to discover his wife had invited her mother for dinner. He HATES his mother-in-law, and after a hard day all he wants to do is come home, relax with a drink or two, have a nice dinner and veg out in front of the TV. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!?!?

#3 This is the starship Serenity from the TV show “Firefly”. Which was canceled WAY too soon, so *I* am the angry one here. The two red dots are small Alliance planets where Browncoats are imprisoned. The Serenity crew are trying to decide which planet to go after first and rescue their fellow soldiers.

#4 Clearly, this is Prince Harry. And he is very angry. No other explanation needed.

So, Dear Reader(s), how did your interpretations stack up against mine??? Let me know!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Napkin Conversations

I got some napkins (I think at Walmart) that had conversation questions/topics on them. Lia and I would use these napkins at meal time and have a nice little chat. I would also bring them with me when eating at Thea’s house when her grandsons were there and do the same. Here are the questions and some of the answers I had or suggestions for talking with a kid.

You woke up as a 30 foot giant. What do you see today?
Pretty much the top of everything. Good way to get some specific descriptions going.

Share a mind blowing fact
Can be something you learned or the fact that you can touch your nose with your tongue…

Share your best joke
Mine has always been: If buttercups are yellow, what color are hiccups? Burple!

Tell me about your day and what made it OK
Real good one for dinner time conversations

What part of your day made waves, and what part was a total wipeout
This kind of goes along with the one above

What did you do to change the world today?
Could also be used to prompt what small ways a child can make a difference

What’s the most outrageous thing you saw today?
This might be a good one for after a trip to Walmart…

Swap Day! Who would you switch with and why?
I would usually say Queen Elizabeth, but it doesn’t have to be a celebrity. The why can be very interesting.

Growing up, we ALWAYS ate at the table for every meal, but I don’t remember any conversation. Ever. I find that kind of sad to look back on.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Multisyllabic Mumbo-Jumbo

I have always loved words. At one point in my life, words were my only close friends. I enjoyed taking a word and rearranging the letters to see how many other words I could make. I could only use the words given and only the numbers of the letters. If there was only one E in the words, I couldn’t make a word using more than one E. Same with the consonants. I couldn’t spell ‘yellow’ if there was only one L. Riding the school bus every day, I would see various signs and make words from the letters on the sign.
I don’t know when I started reading labels on food and other products just to see the weird ingredients. Food was pretty easy with only a few added things in the ingredients that needed explanation. Lotions and make-up had some very interesting words. I will list some things with ingredients I found interesting. When you actually look them up, they make sense sometimes.

Calcium chloride – anti-caking agent, stabilizer, thickening. I knew calcium meant milk, but the other thing confused me.
Sodium benzoate – a preservative. I knew sodium had to do with salt, so that made sense. Polysorbate 80 – a surfactant (?) and emulsifier (?) that helps other ingredients dissolve. Mainly used in cosmetic and beauty products! Why pickles?!?
Natural flavors – that doesn’t tell me anything! If it’s so natural, say what it is!!
Yellow 5 – these color things always amused me. Basically food coloring. I guess natural looking pickles aren’t appealing. Remember the big flap about Red Dye 5????

Equate body lotion: some of the ingredients sound scary but really aren’t.
Stearic acid, cetyl alcohol (thickening agents). Benzyl alcohol (preservative). Usually, something with the words ‘acid’ and ‘alcohol’ you don’t want to have on your skin.
Tapioca starch – I LOVE tapioca pudding! Here it’s a thickener. Don’t eat it!
Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer – what a mouthful. It’s an aromatic thickener.
Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder – another mouthful. Skin conditioning. Why powder and not juice?
Fragrance – another one that doesn’t tell you anything. Fragrance from what?

Most of the other body and face products have a lot of the same ingredients. It’s always good to know some of the stuff you are putting on and in your body.